
Sarah’s Visitor

The story is told in the family records of Jacob and Sarah Strong, of a certain night when this hard-working pioneer couple returned home from a hard day of work. There was little in the house to eat, and Sarah offered, “I will make a hot biscuit and that will be our supper. You go milk and tend the cow and I will get the biscuit into the oven.”

She prepared the simple fare and was just putting it into the oven when there came a knock at the door. She answered it and there stood before her a stranger asking for food. The account says, 

“She could hardly take her eyes from his face. He was of medium build, white hair, blue eyes, and dressed in the material of the day—homespun. He was so clean he seemed to shine, almost like a light was coming from within him. Sarah had worked in every part of the settlement, but this man she had never seen, and she wondered where he had come from. Sarah told him she would be glad to share what they had, but to come in as he would have to wait till the biscuits were done. He did, and they chatted on the times of the day. He ate his meal, then said, he must be on his way, but before going, he called her by name, giving her a blessing. He said she was a good woman and doing the Lord’s work. He told her the Lord would bless she and her husband, that they would never want and that their flour barrel would never be empty. Then he turned and went out the door as Jacob with his pail of milk was entering. In fact, Sarah saw the two men in the doorway at the same time. As Jacob set the milk pail on the back of the table, he saw someone had eaten and he said, ‘Well, Sarah, were you so hungry you couldn’t wait for me?’ Then Sarah in surprise told him of the visitor she had and Jacob had not seen. They looked both ways of the street, but no one was in sight.”

If the Almighty can so bless the widow of Zarephath, can’t he do the same now? 



Copyright Glenn Rawson 2022


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