John S. Fullmer and David B. Dille and Halston Marsden’s Healing

Story Code:  PP20001

This story has not been released or produced as a video. The transcript included on this page is the only file available for this story at this time.


John S. Fullmer

March 28, 1854, Rochdale England. Two missionaries, David B. Dille and John S. Fullmer fulfilled an appointment to teach a family that wanted to hear their message. The family of four asked for baptism. There was a mother and two children and a brother of the young mother named Halston Marsden. Halston was about 18 years of age. The elders were concerned whether Halston was ready for baptism. Elder Dille took up a slate, wrote on it, “Do you want to be baptized for the remission of sins?” Halston took the slate and wrote back, “Yes.”

Halston Marsden was deaf and dumb from birth. Subsequently, the family was baptized. During the ordinance of confirmation, Elder Fullmer prayed that the young man might be healed. At the conclusion he invited the family to come back the next day and they would anoint the young man with oil as directed by James in the New Testament, and they would bless him.

The next day they returned and Halston was anointed with consecrated oil. Elder Dille laid his hands on Halston’s head and pronounced a blessing, but it seemed to lack power and conviction. Nothing happened.

Elder Fullmer reflected, and after a few minutes was given to understand what was wrong. “It occurred to me,” he said “that we ought to act in our official capacity ‘as men having authority,’ for to this end we were called and sent; and that in places where there were none over us in authority, we must officiate instead of and for God, on the earth. I expressed my feelings and said that that I thought we ought to command every obstacle to his hearing and speaking, to depart from him, in the name of the Lord.”

Once again the elders blessed Halston this time with Elder Fullmer as voice. At the close of the blessing, Halston’s sister communicated to him what the missionaries had sealed upon his head. He rejoiced greatly and was filled with the Spirit of the Lord.

About an hour later the family and the missionaries were sitting around talking when Elder Fullmer noticed that Halston seemed to be responding to the conversation. He stood and removed some cotton from Halston’s ears that had been placed their after anointing him with oil. Elder Fullmer turned to the sister and asked her to read the alphabet to Halston. He heard her. For the first time in his life he heard the voice of his sister. That afternoon Halston Marsden’s hearing returned until he was able to hear as well as the others.

By the authority of Jesus Christ, John S. Fullmer set the prisoner free. It was not the first time this great man gave his all to save a prisoner. June 1844, Joseph and Hyrum Smith were arrested and taken to Carthage jail on charges of riot. After a hearing, bail was set at an exorbitant amount. John Fullmer gave everything he had to meet that bail and encouraged others to do the same. And when the bail was satisfied and Joseph and Hyrum were free to go back to Nauvoo, the charge of treason was brought against them and they were imprisoned in Carthage Jail. Though he was not a prisoner, John Fullmer went to jail with the Prophet. On the night of June 26, Joseph lay on the floor next to John Fullmer and invited him to use his arm for a pillow. Words of encouragement were offered by John to the Prophet. The next morning, before noon, John left to arrange witnesses to testify on the Prophet’s behalf. Before he could return, Joseph and Hyrum were martyred. John later wrote, “Thus fell two men who had no superior….The earth never produced two as great men at the same time. You do not know what you have lost in never seeing and becoming acquainted with these men. I value the privilege I had with them, more than I do all else that my eyes have ever beheld.” And thus was the contribution of John S. Fullmer.




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