
His Conduct Was Above Question

“It was a cold night in the latter part of November, and in the home of William Huntington. The family gathered around the big fireplace in the spacious kitchen. After the evening meal, when all the evening work was done, it was the habit of this family to get their instruments of music and sit around the blazing logs and play the old fashioned tunes and hymns, also tunes of more cheerful air, although they did not dance. Grandfather Huntington played the bass viol, his daughter Zina the cello, William, the cornet, and Dimick, the drum. There were five sons and two daughters, the oldest daughter, Presenda, being married, lived some distance from them. It was a happy New England family and they lived the clean, pure life of the Puritan stock. After the music ceased, a hush fell on the group and a knock was heard on the door and as it opened, a strange old gentleman of medium weight, dressed in old-fashioned clothes and carrying a bundle on his arm, appeared and stepped into the room and said: ‘I usually bend my steps to some sequestered vale. May I find lodging here tonight?’

“With cordial welcome, he was invited in and given a place by the fire, in an old easy farm chair, and mother Huntington asked if he would like some supper and modestly he said he would. Then a good New England meal was spread before him, with milk, honey, maple syrup, cold meat, and delicious homemade bread and butter. He partook of a light supper while the family spoke in soft tones. It was the custom to read a portion of the scriptures before going to bed. He again joined the circle, and father Huntington began to read from the Holy Bible, a portion of the New Testament, to which they all listened attentively. Grandmother Huntington made some comment on the fact that they would like to hear the gospel in its fullness as explained and taught by the Saviour. The stranger immediately took up the subject and began explaining the scriptures and quoting the sayings of the Saviour in what seemed to them a new light and greater beauty than they had ever thought of before. 

“They sat in rapt attention, listening to every word. Both father and mother Huntington agreed with his explanations, while the boys exchanged glances of admiration and the daughter, Zina, was spellbound and sat and gazed upon the stranger with admiration and reverence. After one hour spent in conversation upon this sacred subject, Father Huntington had prayers, Mother Huntington prepared a comfortable resting place for the stranger, and he bid them good night. The boys [were] going upstairs, Father and Mother Huntington to their bedroom which led from the kitchen, and Zina in her little bed heard her parents talking in low tones about the wonderful stranger and discussing the things he said. The stranger had filled them with awe and reverence, such as they had never felt before. In the morning, everyone was astir bright and early as is usual on a farm when so much work has to be done, both outside and in.

“The stranger sat placidly watching the remarkable family with whom he took breakfast. The family invited him to stay, but he said he had other places to visit and he left them standing in a group as he closed the door softly. When Father Huntington saw the stranger depart, he sent Dimick after him to tell him to come again. He immediately opened the door and they all looked out to see and call the stranger back, but he was nowhere to be seen. When looking on the doorstep where the snow had fallen the night before, no trace of a footstep could be seen and the boys running from all directions said that he had vanished and could not be found. Father Huntington remarked that he was the strangest person that ever was and he could not understand where he went, but he had shown them the gospel in a new light.

“Mother Huntington felt that this stranger was some messenger from heaven and all the family were deeply impressed with his wonderful influence and beautiful way of explaining the scriptures.

“When the gospel to life and salvation was brought to them by Hyrum Smith and other Elders, they seemed to coincide with what the stranger had told them concerning the Bible and the restoration of the gospel. All the family but one accepted the gospel and prepared to emigrate in a few years to Kirtland; here they met the Prophet of God, Joseph Smith, and became his faithful and loyal followers and friends.”


Zina Young Card, “Zina Diantha Huntington Young,” copy of typescript, Zina D. H. Young collection.


Additional sources tell more of the life of William Huntington.

“On an occasion when the Prophet Joseph was speaking of the three Nephites, Brother Huntington related this little incident to him. He laid his hand on his head and said: ‘My dear brother, that man was one of the three Nephites who came to prepare you for the restoration of the Gospel and its acceptance.’”


 William Huntington, Autobiography, 1.


Of the revered patriarch of that family, William Huntington let me continue. He took his family and joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Where the church went, William followed. All that the members suffered, sacrificed and endured. He was there. In July of 1839, when so many were sick and dying in Nauvoo, his wife Zina passed away at the age of 53. In August of 1840, William married Lydia Clisbee Partridge, the widow of Edward Partridge. 

William struggled with his health and labored to build the Nauvoo temple all the while. When the church went west in 1846, William was appointed captain of over 100 families. The crossing of Iowa was terrible. The weather, mud, snow, and sickness made it unbearable and tedious. William and company got as far as present-day Mt. Pisgah, Iowa when President Young asked William and his company to stay and build the settlement up. Then, in his journal dated June 1846, William recorded this: 

“I am appointed to preside over the portion of [the] Church that stopped here (Mount Pisgah). We are building fences and plowing. The brethren are coming in hourly. The U.S. [Army is] calling up 500 men to engage in war with Mexico.”

William literally wasted and wore out his life in love and service at Pisgah. It is said: 

“He labored extremely hard and tirelessly to comfort the sick and look after the general welfare of the people left here. He was beloved by the Saints, for he was a true friend and brother to all, and his conduct was above question. On Aug 9, 1845 he was taken sick with chills and fever of which he died August 19, 1846.”

William Huntington was true and faithful to the very end. Like so many, he never lived to see the saints established in these mountains. 




Copyright Glenn Rawson 2022


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