
At Thanksgiving

I stood by the side of her bed in the hospital’s intensive care unit and looked down. My only sister and sibling lay in a coma with more tubes, wires, and machines hooked up and running through her body than I had ever conceived possible. I had talked to her just days before and we had expressed our love for each other. Then suddenly in the middle of the night when I was more than a thousand miles away, she was taken critically ill and virtually to death’s door—and I could do nothing but pray. 

As she lay there, it was as though she knew we were there. An eyelid would flutter or a toe would wiggle in response to our voices. I thought of all that this poor girl had endured over the decades and I was filled with compassion. Family and friends gathered and there was a tremendous outwelling of love and affection for her from all sides of that cold metal bed. Those who perhaps seldom prayed turned their hearts to God on her behalf. It is remarkable how often it happens that those who would never pray on their own behalf will do so instantly on behalf of someone they really love—and He hears them.

I struggled to know what I should do as the only one in that room having authority to bless her. I called out to the Lord and I felt the authorization to proceed. As I laid my hands upon her head and spoke the words that filled my heart, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of my weakness and his power and mercy. I could do nothing, but I knew he could do all things, and whatever he chose to do would be right. As I blessed her, I felt her move beneath my touch and respond powerfully. 

A short time later as I was walking out of the hospital, contemplating the uncertainty of my sister’s future, and feeling a touch of that fear we all face when death comes close, I happened to run into some of my dearest friends just entering the hospital. They had come to see and celebrate the birth of a new granddaughter. We hugged, talked, and parted. They went to partake of new life and hope while I walked out into the cold night. It was the night before Thanksgiving.

I share this very personal experience not to invoke pity but to prompt reflection. Thank the Almighty that we know love and can have and hold those we cherish. Thank the Lord for life while we have it and the health and vigor to enjoy it. 

Thank God for joyful times and pray they are abundant, but most of all, thank Him in adversity for it is then that we are truly brought to know Him, understand life, and comprehend love.


Copyright Glenn Rawson


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