
The Magic Mountain Wallet

The year was 2001. Alan and Melody Heward took their seven children to visit family in California. While there, they decided to take in Magic Mountain Fun Park. Other family members and their children joined in the excursion. 

After a day of beautiful weather and fun, they made preparations to leave, when Russ, Melody’s brother, realized his wallet was gone. Immediately, Russ went back and began searching all the places it might be. It was not there. He went to the same places a second time. Still no wallet. 

Out near the exit, Melody suggested to the family that they offer a prayer and ask for Heavenly Father’s help in finding the lost wallet. They gathered in “a small cave-like place” and one of the older girls offered “a simple, humble prayer that Uncle Russ could find his wallet.”

Alan and some others went back to help Russ. They came to a railing where Russ had rested earlier. Russ happened to glance behind him and about ten feet down below the railing and the wall, he could see something. But he wasn’t sure. 

Russ found an employee and asked her if she would go down and check what that was. After some persuading, she went down, and, sure enough, it was the missing wallet, lying wide open. Russ was so grateful that he offered the girl a tip. She wouldn’t take it. 

The group came back together and rejoiced that the lost was now found. Someone suggested that they offer a prayer of thanks—and so it was said. 

Whether it be lost wallets, lost sheep, lost coins, or lost souls—our God is the God of the lost. Indeed, finding and redeeming that which was lost is what He does best. If there is something you are hoping to find or hoping that someone else will find—don’t forget to pray. 



Alan Heward